• Putting innovation into practice

    13 December 2016

    Impartial expert advice is vital if high-potential innovations are to be brought successfully from concept into commercial reality. Clear guidance in steering projects from Technology Readiness Levels 1 to 6 can be especially valuable, as Anthony Smith reports

    It is often said that too many otherwise very promising technology-based ideas fail to reach market and achieve their true potential due to failures in the initial stages of the innovation process. In terms of NASA’s well-known model of Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), this is a problem that particularly affects the early stages of technology development, from concept to a robust prototype demonstration ...

  • Development of the YAN Engines high-efficiency D-Cycle engine concept

    13 December 2016

    YAN Engines is a small technology company with offices both in Austin, Texas, and Brighton, UK. The company is focused on the development of its own proprietary high-efficiency engine concept that aims to provide significantly enhanced flexibility over the conventional four-stroke internal combustion engine architecture.

    The differential stroke cycle piston (D-Cycle) concept relies on a split piston that completes the four engine strokes in a single crankshaft revolution, thus providing the opportunity to reduce the cyclic energy losses and improve combustion process efficiency. This is achieved via the use of a vertically split piston, with a lightweight crown and ring lands ...

  • Technology and market perspectives on the automotive demand for platinum group metals

    13 December 2016

    Based in Cape Town, Coronation Fund Managers is one of the largest independent asset managers in South Africa. Platinum group metals represent an important sector for the country’s economy, and they make up a sizeable proportion of Coronation’s investable universe, with significant holdings in companies active in the sector.

    Neill Young is a portfolio manager for Coronation. His responsibilities include analysing sector companies and predicting the future demand for platinum group metals. “We already have a very good handle on the supply side of the industry,” he says, “but it is important for us to understand future demand too. Our interest ...

  • Full-on mild

    04 November 2016

    The Ricardo-led 48-Volt ADEPT project shows how intelligent electrification can deliver fuel and CO2 savings equivalent to full-hybrid capability. What is more, the concept’s low-cost mild hybrid architecture is adaptable for diesel, gasoline or alternative-fuelled powertrains, as Anthony Smith reports.

    In the almost twenty years since the first mass-produced hybrid car – the first-generation Toyota Prius – rolled off the production line, the world has become used to the concept of electrification improving the fuel-efficiency of the combustion engine powertrain. In addition to such ‘full’ hybrids, consumers have also become accustomed to the so-called ‘mild’ hybrid products where a more modest ...

  • TREMEC launches new facility in Belgium as part of major global expansion

    25 October 2016
    • New facility formally opened in Zedelgem, Belgium, by Fernando Senderos Mestre, chairman of KUO Group, TREMEC’s parent, at a ceremony yesterday evening 

    • Significant new capacity in transmission system mechatronics, control software, automation, and high performance manufacture

    • Builds on TREMEC’s strong brand and reputation in high torque transmissions – from premium sports cars to commercial vehicles

    • Enables TREMEC to deploy the latest technologies – from mid-volume transmissions to high-volume components – for customers worldwide

    ZEDELGEM, BELGIUM – The creation of a new force in Europe for the development and manufacture of advanced, high-efficiency, high-performance ...

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